Magento Wordpress

Magento wordpress

Magento WordPress integration is the best way to do Blog Marketing for the eCommerce Store. And let’s be honest here, Product Pages are tough to rank. That’s why eCommerce owner use blog marketing to bring traffic. Both Magento and WordPress are leading platforms in their respective niche. As far as security is concerned, Magento is more secure than WordPress, since Magento notifies sellers about security breakdowns. Merchants are made aware of possible breaches and if they miss any security news, it also offers a free scanning tool that can be used to ensure everything is secure.

  • Instantly install Magento and over 75 open source scripts with just a click on your Magento platform! WordPress Hosting - Host your very own WordPress blog; Joomla Hosting & magento Hosting - Professional CMS Solutions; Magento Website Hosting - Free E-commerce platform for your own store; Wiki Hosting - Start a Wiki web site with MediaWiki.
  • Magento uses an EAV-based database model (entity, attribute, value), so all aspects of a transaction, from customer information and shipping data, are tracked in your database. Magento and WordPress both support integration with MySQL and MariaDB, but you can use an extension to work with PostgreSQL. Both are free and open-source.
  • WordPress is easier to use by individuals of varying experience, whereas it’d take you a long time to do it yourself through Magento. A cost that you might not have considered is hosting. WooCommerce is fine to run using WordPress’ hosting, whereas Magento is a little more complicated.

If you are currently operating a website, and looking to integrate some e-commerce functionality into it to grow your business, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed with the variety of options that are available to choose from.

Minitool partition wizard mac os. In this article, we are going to highlight some of the benefits and downsides of the two most popular solutions – Magento and WordPress- to help you make the right decision for your business.


If you have some experience working with WordPress, Magento’s complexity may seem quite daunting comparatively, so in this article we will also give you some tips on how to use Magento flawlessly, just like you would with WordPress.

See also CreativeMinds Ultimate Guide For Magento Developers.

WordPress Vs. Magento – The Similarities

On the surface, both the platforms are architecturally similar. They are both customizable, SEOtemplate customization.

The basic e-commerce functionality in WordPress can be achieved through various third-party plug-ins, such as the popular WooCommercePluginMagento Wordpress Plugin

Remember, Magento can be a somewhat complicated platform to configure for SEO purposes. You may want to consider hiring a Magento SEO company if search engine optimization is a top priority for your business.

Identify Your Website’s Purpose

Choosing one among both mainly depends on your website’s purpose. If you’ve come as far as reading this article, then probably you are looking to create an eCommerce venture, but what kind of activity would you like to cater for on your online store? Some options may include:

  • Establishing a Multi vendor Marketplace– This is the sort of complex solutions that where you’re better off with Magento. Although some solutions also exist on WordPress, they are far from perfect, and cannot compete with the robustness that Magento has to offer.
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As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and while Magento’s functionality is definitely more suitable for eCommerce, it also takes a lot more knowledge, skills and money to maintain than WordPress. It is also worth mentioning that the functionality of the WordPress eCommerce plugins is limited.

If you would want to integrate different shipping options, multiple payment gateways or have your store operating in several languages, WordPress may not be able to cater for all those needs. In the Magento Admin PanelURL on the front end. If you want to set up a WordPress blog for your store, we recommend using the Fishpig WordPress integration tool for Magento.


Vlc player for mac os tiger. Thus, we made it very much clear that Magento is the more efficient and recommended alternative to WordPress when it comes to selling products online, but it is also far more complex and requires the expertise of a professional which can be pretty expensive.

As WordPress continues to evolve, we can expect better solutions for the larger businesses, and easier to use management tools that may change the situation in favor of WordPress. Until that happens, WordPress will continue to provide a reliable content marketing channel while Magento remains the ultimate choice for selling products online.

This article was written with the assistance of Christopher Meloni at Dealslands UK.

Magento And Wordpress


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When it comes to integrating WordPress with Magento, one of our favorite modules to work with is Fishpig’s excellent and free “Magento WordPress Integration” module. You can learn more about it and, if you choose to, install it yourself by clicking here. For the sake of this tutorial, and for your own benefit, I strongly recommend paying for their professional installation as the installation is tricky and it is beyond the scope of this article. 2 mb racing games free download.

What This Module Can Do For You

If you have a WordPress site already set up then you know the importance of keeping your visitors informed and interacting with them. Unfortunately, many WordPress users find themselves wanting to sell items online but they are not always happy with the e-commerce solutions available on WordPress. Similarly, there are many Magento users who love running their store through Magento but are not happy with the fact that Magento does not include a ‘blog module’ to allow you easy set up of posts. With The Magento/Wordpress Integration module, you can take your existing wordpress blog and integrate it into your existing Magento site including using the existing Magento theme. Here are a few examples:

Magento Wordpress Integration

The screenshot shows the 4 posts that load on the homepage. Click the link to see it in action and see how it integrates into the website.

This is one of the other sites we developed that integrates WordPress and Magento integration. We customized the module template file that loads the posts from WordPress to ensure it has the look and feel, for each post, that they wanted.

If you need help with your Magento store, call 845-656-3000 or Contact us here »

What Features Are Available? Does It Filter By Category/Recent Posts?

The great thing about this integration module is that you can enter ‘short code’ into your homepage CMS page that will let you determine the number of posts to show, the category of posts you want to load and the header text that sits above the posts. For instance, on a demo site, I created a category on my WordPress blog called ‘tips’ and replaced the default ‘latest news’ headline with “Latest Tips” just by using this short code:

The Original Default Shortcode The Fishgpig Module Recommends You Use:

{{block type=”wordpress/sidebar_widget_posts” name=”wordpress.widget.recent_posts” post_count=”4″title=”Latest Posts” date=”off” comment_num=”off” template=”wordpress/sidebar/widget/posts_old.phtml”}}

Magento Wordpress Shopify

If you place that code in the CMS block of your homepage it will load 4 of your most recent posts, regardless of category, and have a headline label at the top of them titled “Latest Posts”.

The screenshots shows you the result of the short code. You have 4 posts showing the title, not content, and they will link to the post page of your blog which will be integrated with your Magento theme. Now, let’s take a look at what happens when you change the header title “Latest News” to “Latest Tips” and assign a specific category to filter through. In my demo site I have a WordPress category titled “Tips” with a category id of 2. You can find your category id by logging into your WordPress admin, clicking on ‘categories’ under the “Posts” section of the left nav. Then click on the category name. When you are on the category edit page, look at the url at the top of your browser and you will see a query string (see screenshot – note the part of the url that is highlighted)

That number, 2, tells me the ‘tips’ category has an ID of 2. If you see a 4 in that url with the “tag_ID” parameter, then your category ID for that category is 4. With that in mind, here is how I am able to tell Magento’s homepage to load 4 posts from the “Tips” category and make the header title “Latest Tips” instead of “Latest News”:

{{block type=”wordpress/sidebar_widget_posts” name=”wordpress.widget.recent_posts” post_count=”4″category_id=”2″title=”Latest Tips” date=”off” comment_num=”off” template=”wordpress/sidebar/widget/posts.phtml”}}

If you have a category with an ID of 2, and assign 4 posts to it in WordPress, and then go back to your homepage (I suggest you test this with a test CMS page in Magento, first) and add that code, you will see something like this:


While you may have to pay for the install service if you are not familiar with configuring modules, the module is free and is well worth it even with the set up because you can save so much time in avoiding what is a tricky setup. When you are up and running with this module, you will find it incredibly convenient and flexible because you can load posts through any category, or through all categories by default, and you can determine how many posts are displayed. You can load the ‘short code’ in any CMS page you want and you are free to style/format the templates that display the posts any way you want. What I usually do for clients is alter the post display template so the format of posts fits their design needs and allow ‘exerpts’ to load, which is a teaser of the content of the post being displayed. Kombucha Brooklyn is a perfect example of this. You will notice we load the title, an ‘excerpt’ and then offer a ‘read more’ link. If you would like to have this module installed, or even modified to your needs, feel free to contact us and tell us what you are looking to accomplish with Magento and WordPress.

For more information about Magento, contact us at 845-656-3000 or Get a Quote »