Old Facebook Firefox


  1. Old Layout Facebook Firefox Not Working
  2. Old Firefox Themes

***UPDATE 13/11/20*** Facebook have broken the latest version of Revert Site, so now when you visit the Newsfeed, you get stuck in an endless loading loop. I strongly recommend disabling/removing Revert Site until I can figure out a solution, it or if one is even possible

To recover an old account: Go to the profile of the account you'd like to recover. Click below the cover photo. Select Find support or report profile. The Revert Site extension for Firefox works for now to change it back, but only because it sends to facebook an old browser ID. Eventually Facebook will stop supporting that and won’t load at all with it, and then only the new bloated horeshit that is entirely unusable as it looks like hell and is too slow to load or do anything will be the.

You may still be able to get the old design back if you are a group or Page admin, check the top left of the Page/Group admin interface to see if you have the option to switch back for 48 hours, as that seems to be the only way at present to do it.

Please ignore the info below, as its out of date.


New version of Revert Site lets you get the old Facebook Design / Layout back

Facebook closed the previous loophole that the FB Purity and Revert Site extensions were using to get you the old Facebook design back. Closing the loophole caused a problem for users of FBP and Revert Site, as if you had the “Switch back to the old Facebook design” option turned on in either of those extensions, when visiting Facebook you would be redirected to the mobile version of the site, and told you were using an “Unsupported Browser”

To fix this issue, turn off F.B. Purity’s “Switch back to the old Facebook design” option. Once you have done that, you should find Facebook running normally on the new facebook design. The switch back option is not located in the standard FBP settings screen. The method to access the “Switch back to the old facebook design option” in both FBP and Revert Site is exactly the same, you need to click the red white and blue extension button in the browser’s extensions toolbar, which is the bar to the right of the browser’s URL/Address bar. If the red blue and white button for FBP or Revert Site is not on display, it means you have either disabled the extension in the extensions management page, or it is hidden behind the extension overflow button, which is a grey button at the far right of the extensions toolbar. In chrome its a puzzle piece button, in firefox its a double chevron, in Opera its a wireframe cube button. Other browsers will have a variation on this, but its usually a grey button at the end of the extensions toolbar.

If you click the extensions overflow button, it will show all the hidden extension buttons, and you can click FBP / Revert Site’s button to open the “Switch back to the old Facebook design” setting screen, where you can un-check the checkbox. After you have unticked it, if the facebook page doesnt reload on its own, reload the Facebook page, and you should have the “normal” new facebook design back.

I have decided its too much hassle having a revert option in both FBP and Revert Site, so moving forward I plan on removing the Switch back option in FBP, and instead just have at option in Revert Site, as it will be easier to maintain and support that way. Never fear, I haven’t given up on getting the old design back, I’ve worked hard at getting the Revert functionality working again, and have updated the Revert Site extension with a fix. The updated Revert Site is v5.1 and can be installed via the Revert Site website

Old Layout Facebook Firefox Not Working

If you have turned off FBP’s “Switch back” option and are still getting the “Unsupported browser” message, it means you must have an old version of Revert Site installed, and you just need to update it to v5.1 which you can do via your browser’s extensions mangement page. In Chrome, turn on the “Developer Mode” switch at the top right of the browser’s extensions management page, then click the Update button at the top of the page. In Firefox click the gear icon then select “Check for updates”.


Revert Site v5.1.0 is available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera (and compatible browsers) The edge version is not yet available as I’m waiting for Microsoft to approve the update, however you can install Chrome extensions on Edge, so if you want it right now, just install the Chrome version (though if you already have the old edge version installed, you should uninstall or disable it first.

Old Firefox Themes

Although the new version of Revert Site can get the old Facebook design back,There are a few issues you need to be aware of with this new version, its not all plain sailing, unfortunately Facebook are not making this easy for us.

Known Issues with Revert Site v5.1.0

Old firefox themes

A side effect of this fix is the chat sidebar on the right will not show up, however you can still access your messages via the messages dropdown menu in the top navigation bar, and also via the auxiliary facebook messaging site messenger.com

Though there is now a workaround for getting the chat sidebar back, open a new tab and load the following URL: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/close_window/?app_id=1 Bookmark that link and name it FB Chat, as clicking the bookmark will bring the chat sidebar back. Do your main facebook business in a separate tab, as I havent figured out how to get the chat sidebar back in the main facebook.com site yet, still working on it. But this should do for now.

Please also note If you have any problems with video and voice Messaging on the Facebook site, with this extension installed, again using the auxiliary Facebook messaging website, messenger.com to do your Facebook video and voice calls should work fine.

Marketplace, and Personal Pages will not revert to the old style. Marketplace will open in the new style. Personal pages will open in the mobile version of the site.
If you do get switched to the m.facebook.com (mobile) version of the site, just type fb.com insto the browsers’ URL bar, and it will reset back to the desktop version of the site. I could not get these parts of the site to revert, I tried my best, and open to any ideas anyone has on getting them reverted.

Another side effect of this new fix is the blue bar at the top might scroll upwards, when you scroll the page down. You can fix this by using my other extension FB Purity, which has an option called “Freeze top nav bar“, which is located under the “Top Nav Bar Options” heading on the FBP options screen. You can get FB Purity via FBPURITY .COM

**UPDATE** The missing chat sidebar and top nav bar scrolling up issues will be fixed in the next release RS v5.2 (coming soon to a browser near you)

**FURTHER UPDATE** v6.1 0f Revert Site is out now and it fixes most of the issues affecting previous versions, you can update it by uninstalling and reinstalling Revert Site.


Please like and follow the Revert Site Page on Facebook for the latest news, updates and support etc https://www.facebook.com/pg/revertsite/posts/

Related posts:

  1. F.B. Purity v30.7.0 – Now compatible with the new Facebook design! Can also switch you to the old design.
  2. New FB Purity Beta – works with new Facebook Newsfeed design
  3. Important news for users of the Safari version of the FB Purity browser add-on
  4. FB Purity v9.9.1 is out. It fixes the revert Bubble Chat and BA + WL links and various other issues.
This entry was posted in Facebook, FB Purity and tagged bugfix, clean up and customize facebook, FB Purity, get the old facebook design back, known issues, m.facebook.com, old design, old facebook design, old facebook layout, old layout, old site design, old site layout, revert site, unsupported browser, update. Bookmark the permalink.