Webstorm Mongodb

Jan 25, 2017 Once you restart the Webstorm IDE, we can configure the MongoDB plugin. In order to configure MongoDB, you have to use Mongo Explorer. Enable the Mongo Explorer in View Tools window. On Mongo Explorer, add MongoDB configuration by clicking the button add configuration which will direct you to Mongo servers in the settings tab. WebStorm; webstorm, node.js and mongodb Follow. Gary Dryden Created November 04, 2012 14:28. I have added the following line to a node.js application. Visual Studio 8,9,10,11,12,13,15, VsCode, WebStorm, XCode, Qt Creator, KDevelop Activity When I can have beers with folks I enjoy working with or talking to, maybe I’ll want to come into an. The MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express, React / Redux, and Node.js. Given the popularity of React on the frontend and of Node.js on the backend, the MERN stack is one of the most popular stack of technologies for building a modern single-page app. Here’s a breakdown of the typical stack setup: MongoDB as a NoSQL database.

I’m utilizing mongoDB every day out of a Node/express/Javascript backend. I always found it rather cumbersome to assemble mongo’s JSON based queries since there are not many good frontends around. Since I’m using JetBrain WebStorm – by far the best choice for Javascript-coders – I recently had a look in their plugin repo and what did I see? A MongoDB plugin (@Webstorm). It comes with two views: the Explorer lets you pick the collection you want to query from, the Runner executes your queries and shows a JSON-prettified set of results. There’s not much to it but I like IDE-embedded DB-querying a lot!

PS: A quite feat-complete but Swing-powered (proprietary UI-framework to be honest) UI for mongoDB is UMongo (or if you prefer: the project site). Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be maintained anymore. If you’re interested in refactoring / rewriting / forking this software let me know how I could possibly help 🙂 I think, the first step would be to have a working Maven POM for it since the author only provides a .netbeans “build script”. Next up would be factoring out the author’s proprietary frontend framework – good thought, but no one knows / wants to know how to use it (my 50 cents) and replace it with either native Swing (sucks) or a more abstract UI layer (web components? Faces? FX? SWT? )

Webstorm Mongo

Another quite helpful tool for Webstorm is the Heroku plugin (github). It allows you to connect your Heroku application instances, watch the logs, scale your dynos, invite collaborators, activate addons, restart the container and maintain your environment configuration.

It’s much more visual than your command line toolbelt and since the git support in Webstorm is particularly well done you can e.g. track which changes you have deployed on a certain day without having to leave your IDE!

Webstorm mongodb data
Set of Tools, Frameworks and Languages I have used to solve problems
Programming Languages and Frameworks
  • JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Gatsby.js, Material-UI, GraphQL

  • Java, Spring Boot

  • Scheme (Functional Programming)

Cloud Deployment
  • Google Cloud Platform (Authentication, Hosting with Firebase, Cloud Functions)

  • Amazon Web services (EC2, Virtual Private Cloud, Code Commit, CLI, Elastic Load Balancing)

Webstorm Mongodb Download

Web Technologies

  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

  • OAuth 2.0

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

  • JSON Web Token (JWT)

  • MongoDB Cloud

  • MySQL

  • Cloud Firestore (Google Cloud)

  • Amazon DocumentDB (AWS)

Design and Development Tools
  • Sketch App

  • Invision

  • Screenflow

  • Keynote

  • Docker

  • Visual Studio Code

  • WebStorm

  • IntelliJ

  • GitHub / BitBucket / GitLab

  • Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • JIRA / Asana

Operating System
  • OSX (Mac)

  • Linux

Webstorm Mongodb Data

Other Capabilities

Webstorm Mongodb Server

  • Web Services design and implementation

  • Serverless application development

  • REST and GraphQL API design and implementation

  • Wireframing, Prototyping and UX Design

  • Data Migration

  • Development of offline-first applications (PWA)