Web Launchey

Free Online Screen Recorder. AnyMP4 Free Online Screen Recorder is a versatile web launcher. Post-trade applications for informed decision making and operational efficiency.

  1. Web Launcher Glove
  2. Web Launcher App

Start and manage web applications on browsers

You can find more information on how to use the web automation actions here

Extract data from web page
Get details of web page
Get details of element on web page
Take screenshot of web page
Focus text field on web page
Populate text Field on web page
Set check box state on web page
Select radio button on web page
Set drop-down list value on web page
Press button on web page
Launch new Internet Explorer
Launch new Firefox
Launch new Chrome
Launch new Edge
Create new tab
Go to web page
Click link on web page
Click download link on web page
Run JavaScript function on web page
Hover mouse over element on web page
Close web browser

Web data extraction

Extract data from web applications, from a single value up to tables or custom multiple pieces of data

Extract data from web page

Extract data from specific parts of a web page in the form of single values, lists, rows or tables

You can find more information on how to use this action here

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to extract data from
Extraction parametersNoDatatableThe parameters to use when extracting data. Depending on the extraction mode, this accepts different data.
Max web pages to processNoNumeric valueThe maximum number of web pages to process
Pager CSS selectorNoText valueThe pager CSS selector
Extraction modeN/AUndefined, Single value, Handpicked values, List, Table, Entire HTML tableSingle valueSpecify what to extract from the web page
Use pagingN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to use paging
Get all web pagesN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to get all web pages
Store data modeN/AVariable, Excel spreadsheetVariableSpecify whether to store the extracted data in a variable or an Excel spreadsheet
Variables Produced
ExcelInstanceExcel instanceThe Excel instance with the extracted data. Use this instance to manipulate the spreadsheet (or save and close it) by using the dedicated Excel actions.
DataFromWebPageDatatableThe extracted data in the form of a single value, list, datarow or datatable
Failed to extract dataIndicates a problem extracting data
Failed to launch Excel instanceIndicates a problem launching an Excel instance
Failed to write values to ExcelIndicates a problem writing the values to an Excel

Get details of web page

Get a property of a web page, such as its title or its source text

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
GetN/AWeb page description, Web page meta keywords, Web page title, Web page text, Web page source, Web browser's current URL addressWeb page descriptionSelect the information to retrieve from the web page
Variables Produced
WebPagePropertyText valueThe details retrieved from the web page
Failed to get details of web pageIndicates a problem getting the details of the specified web page

Get details of element on web page

Get the value of an element's attribute on a web page

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to get details from
Attribute nameYesText valueOwn TextEnter or select the attribute whose value to retrieve
Variables Produced
AttributeValueText valueThe value of the web element's attribute
Failed to retrieve attribute of UI element on web pageIndicates a problem retrieving attribute of web page element

Take screenshot of web page

Take a screenshot of the web page (or an element of the web page) currently displayed in the browser and save the image into a file or to the clipboard

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
CaptureN/AEntire web page, Specific elementEntire web pageSpecify whether to capture the entire web page or only a specific element of it
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to capture
Save modeN/AClipboard, FileClipboardSpecify whether to save the image into a file or store it into the clipboard
Image fileNoFileSet the full path for the file to save the image capture
File formatN/ABMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, WMFBMPSelect the format of the image file
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to save fileIndicates a problem saving the specified file
Failed to save in the clipboardIndicates a problem while saving to the clipboard
Failed to take screenshotIndicates a problem taking a screenshot

Web form filling

Fill in forms on web applications

Focus text field on web page

Set the focus on an input element of a web page and scroll it into view

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to focus
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to set input focus on web page text fieldIndicates a problem setting input focus on the specified web page text field

Populate text Field on web page

Fill a text field in a web page with the specified text

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the text field to populate
TextNoEncrypted valueEnter the text to fill in the text field
Emulate typingN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to fill the text field at once by simply setting the value of the text box, or emulate a user typing by sending characters one by one. The latter method is slower, but required in some complex web pages.
Unfocus text box after filling itN/ABoolean valueFalseChoose whether to unfocus the text box right after this action fills it with the specified text. In case of scraping autocompletion lists, this parameter should be set to 'False'.
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after populating the text field
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after populating the text field
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to write on text fieldIndicates a problem writing to the specified text field

Set check box state on web page

Check or uncheck a check box in a web form

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the check box to set the state of
Check box stateN/AChecked, UncheckedCheckedSelect the check box state
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after setting the check box state
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after setting the check box state
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to set the state of the checkboxIndicates a problem in setting the state of the specified check box

Select radio button on web page

Web launcher app

Web Launcher Glove

Select a radio button on the web page

Input Parameters
Web launcher recorder
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlThe radio button to select
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after selecting the radio button
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after selecting the radio button
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKThe dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to select radio buttonIndicates a problem in selecting the specified radio button

Set drop-down list value on web page

Set or clear the selected option for a drop-down list in a web form

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the drop-down list to set its value
OperationN/AClear all options, Select options by name, Select options by indexClear all optionsSelect whether to select a value or clear the selected value of the drop-down list
Option name(s)NoList of Text valuesEnter one or more options (one per line if more than one) to be selected in the drop-down list. Multiple options make sense only when working with multi-select lists. If the list is single-selection, then only the first option specified will be used.
Option indicesNoList of Numeric valuesType a space-separated list of 1-based indices (e.g. 1 3 4)
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after setting the drop-down list value
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after setting the drop-down list value
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to set the selected optionIndicates a problem setting the selected drop-down list option

Press button on web page

Press a web page button

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the button to press
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after pressing the button
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after pressing the button
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to click on web page buttonIndicates a problem clicking the specified web page button

Launch new Internet Explorer

Launch a new instance or attach to a running instance of Internet Explorer for automating web sites and web applications

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Launch modeN/ALaunch automation browser, Launch new Internet Explorer, Attach to running Internet ExplorerLaunch automation browserSpecify whether to launch the automation browser or a new instance of Internet Explorer or attach to an existing one
Attach to Internet Explorer tabN/ABy title, By URL, Use foreground windowBy titleSpecify whether to attach to an Internet Explorer tab by its title, URL, or attach to the active tab of Internet Explorer running as the foreground window
Initial URLNoText valueEnter the URL of the web site to visit when the web browser is launched
Tab titleNoText valueEnter the title (or part of it) of the Internet Explorer tab to attach to
Tab URLNoText valueEnter the URL (or part of it) of the Internet Explorer tab to attach to
Window stateN/ANormal, Maximized, MinimizedNormalSpecify whether to launch the browser window in normal, minimized of maximized state
Clear cacheN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear the entire cache of the web browser right after launching it
Clear cookiesN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear all stored cookies in the web browser right after launching it
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the initial web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Custom user agent stringYesText valueSpecify the custom user agent string for the runtime web helper. If this field remains empty, the runtime web helper uses by default the user agent string of Internet Explorer installed on the machine.


The Clear cache and Clear cookies options only work as intended if running in Protected Mode is disabled in the Internet options menu.

Variables Produced
InternetExplorerWeb browser instanceThe Internet Explorer instance to use with web automation actions
Failed to launch Internet ExplorerIndicates a problem launching Internet Explorer
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid

Launch new Firefox

Launch a new instance or attach to a running instance of Firefox for automating web sites and web applications

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Launch modeN/ALaunch new Instance, Attach to running instanceLaunch new InstanceSpecify whether to launch a new instance of Firefox or attach to an existing one
Attach to Firefox tabN/ABy title, By URL, Use foreground windowBy titleSpecify whether to attach to a Firefox tab by its title, URL, or attach to the active tab of Firefox running as the foreground window
Initial URLNoText valueEnter the URL of the web site to visit when the web browser is launched
Tab titleNoText valueEnter the title (or part of it) of the Firefox tab to attach to
Tab URLNoText valueEnter the URL (or part of it) of the Firefox tab to attach to
Window stateN/ANormal, Maximized, MinimizedNormalSpecify whether to launch the browser window in normal, minimized of maximized state
Clear cacheN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear the entire cache of the web browser right after launching it
Clear cookiesN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear all stored cookies in the web browser right after launching it
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the initial web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
BrowserWeb browser instanceThe Firefox instance to use with web automation actions
Failed to launch FirefoxIndicates a problem launching Firefox
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid

Web Launcher App

Launch new Chrome

Launch a new instance or attach to a running instance of Chrome for automating web sites and web applications

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Launch modeN/ALaunch new Instance, Attach to running instanceLaunch new InstanceSpecify whether to launch a new instance of Chrome or attach to an existing one
Attach to Chrome tabN/ABy title, By URL, Use foreground windowBy titleSpecify whether to attach to a Chrome tab by its title, URL, or attach to the active tab of Chrome running as the foreground window
Initial URLNoText valueEnter the URL of the web site to visit when the web browser is launched
Tab titleNoText valueEnter the title (or part of it) of the Chrome tab to attach to
Tab URLNoText valueEnter the URL (or part of it) of the Chrome tab to attach to
Window stateN/ANormal, Maximized, MinimizedNormalSpecify whether to launch the browser window in normal, minimized of maximized state
Clear cacheN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear the entire cache of the web browser right after launching it
Clear cookiesN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear all stored cookies in the web browser right after launching it
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the initial web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
BrowserWeb browser instanceThe Chrome instance to use with web automation actions
Failed to launch ChromeIndicates a problem launching Chrome
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid

Launch new Edge

Launch a new instance or attach to a running instance of Edge for automating web sites and web applications

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Launch modeN/ALaunch new Instance, Attach to running instanceLaunch new InstanceSpecify whether to launch a new instance of Edge or attach to an existing one
Attach to Edge tabN/ABy title, By URL, Use foreground windowBy titleSpecify whether to attach to an Edge tab by its title, URL, or attach to the active tab of Edge running as the foreground window
Initial URLNoText valueEnter the URL of the web site to visit when the web browser is launched
Tab titleNoText valueEnter the title (or part of it) of the Edge tab to attach to
Tab URLNoText valueEnter the URL (or part of it) of the Edge tab to attach to
Window stateN/ANormal, Maximized, MinimizedNormalSpecify whether to launch the browser window in normal, minimized of maximized state
Clear cacheN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear the entire cache of the web browser right after launching it
Clear cookiesN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to clear all stored cookies in the web browser right after launching it
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the initial web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
BrowserWeb browser instanceThe Edge instance to use with web automation actions
Failed to launch EdgeIndicates a problem launching Edge
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid

Create new tab


Create a new tab and navigate to the given URL (supported in Edge, Chrome and Firefox)

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
URL to navigate toNoText valueEnter the URL, or a variable containing the URL, to navigate to
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
NewBrowserWeb browser instanceThe new web browser instance to use with web automation actions
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid
Failed to create a new tabIndicates a problem creating a new tab

Go to web page

Navigate the web browser to a new page

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
NavigateN/ATo URL, Back, Forward, Reload web pageTo URLSpecify where to navigate to
URLNoText valueEnter the URL to navigate to
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the web page to load completely before proceeding
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears while loading the web page
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to navigate to web pageIndicates a problem navigating to the specified web page
Invalid URLIndicates that the provided URL was invalid

Click link on web page

Click on a link or any other element of a web page

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to click
Wait for page to loadN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to wait for the new web page to load completely after clicking on the link
If a pop-up dialog appearsN/AClose it, Press a button, Do nothingDo nothingSpecify what to do if a pop-up dialog appears after clicking on the link
Dialog button to pressYesText valueOKEnter the dialog button to press if a pop-up dialog appears
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to click UI elementIndicates a problem clicking the specified element

Click download link on web page

Click on a link in a web page that results in downloading a file

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to click
Destination folderNoFolderEnter or choose the full path of the folder, or a variable containing the folder, to save the downloaded file to
Variables Produced
DownloadedFileFileThe file on the disk where the download is saved. This is a filepath that consists of the download folder as specified above plus the name of the file as provided by the web server.
Failed to download fileIndicates a problem downloading the specified file
Element with specified CSS selector not foundIndicates that a web page element with the specified CSS selector was not found
Failed to click UI elementIndicates a problem clicking the specified element
Failed to save fileIndicates a problem saving the specified file

Run JavaScript function on web page

Run a JavaScript function on the web page and get the returned result

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
JavaScript functionYesText valuefunction ExecuteScript() { /*your code here, return something (optionally); */ }Enter the JavaScript function to run on the web page
Variables Produced
ResultText valueThe result of the JavaScript function that run
Failed to run JavaScriptIndicates a problem running JavaScript

Hover mouse over element on web page

Hover the mouse over an element of a web page

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to work with
UI elementNoWebControlSelect the UI element on web page to hover
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to hover over elementIndicates a problem hovering over the specified element

Close web browser

Close a web browser window

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Web browser instanceNoWeb browser instanceEnter or choose the variable that contains the web browser instance to close
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to close the web browserIndicates a problem closing the web browser


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